How to Spot & Stop Spam Emails

January 23, 2024

Alima Faye

Content Creator

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Dealing with the constant influx of spam emails can be downright annoying and, more importantly, potentially harmful. Spam is often the sheep's clothing for the wolves of the internet: scammers. In the bustling digital marketplace, these wolves prowl, looking for an opportunity to strike, using brand names and identities you trust. It's time to bolster your defenses and to know your enemy well.

Understanding Email Scams

Scams delivered through email have one goal: deception. They aim to trick you into giving away sensitive information, money, or access to your devices. They can be disguised as urgent requests for information, offers of unlikely rewards, or even threats posing as official warnings that elicit fear and compliance. Generally, they exploit trust, often appearing as organisations or individuals familiar to you.

The Mechanics of a Scam Breakdown

Email scams can take many forms, but they typically include the following elements:

  1. Impersonation: Fraudsters often masquerade as legitimate entities, utilising names and branding you recognise to win over your trust. They pay attention to detail but usually slip up with slight email variations or minor branding inconsistencies. Spotting these small discrepancies, like an odd domain name or a misplaced logo, can reveal the true nature of these deceptive emails.

  2. Urgent Requests: Scammers create a false sense of urgency in their emails, coercing you into making hasty decisions that bypass logical thinking. They often concoct crises such as security breaches or legal issues, demanding immediate action like transferring funds to a 'new account' or providing sensitive information quickly.

  3. Attachments and Links: Attachments and links can be the carrier of malicious software. Unsolicited email attachments may contain viruses, while links can redirect you to phishing sites designed to harvest your personal data. Approach with skepticism, especially if the email was unexpected.

  4. Pressure Tactics: Scammers exploit emotions to rush you into action. They use scare tactics with imposing language like 'urgent action required', crafting scenarios that play on fear, like threats of account closure or legal repercussions, to extract a hasty and ill-considered response from you.

Spotting the Scam

Vigilance is paramount. Here's how to identify suspicious emails:

  • Check the Email Address: Legitimate companies typically use their domain for email. If the address is off by a character or using a public domain (like ' '), it's probably a fake.

  • Scrutinise Communication: Does the tone match previous communications from the purported sender? Are there grammatical errors or odd phraseology?

  • Be Suspicious of Attachments: Legitimate companies are cautious with attachments. Don’t download files you weren't expecting.

  • Verify Requests Independently: If asked to transfer funds or provide information, contact the company using a phone number or email address from their official site—not the one in the suspicious email.

Putting up Your Shields Against Spam and Scams

To combat the flood of spam, optimise the filters your email service offers, tweaking their sensitivity to catch unwanted messages without snagging the good ones. Don't make your email address an open secret; be selective about where you share it online, and use different accounts for various aspects of your life to compartmentalise potential risks. Vigilance extends to your defenses, so keep your cybersecurity software and other critical applications current with the latest updates. Knowledge is armor—stay informed about new scam strategies, pass along what you learn, and empower others in your network. Cultivate a habit of periodically scanning your spam folder, rescuing any legitimate messages that were misfiled, and fine-tune your filter's accuracy over time. This proactive approach isn't just an email management tactic—it's a comprehensive strategy for maintaining your digital hygiene.


Taking Action

When a potential scam lands in your inbox, keep a cool head and don't engage. Responding to a spam email only serves as an invitation for more. Begin your counter-attack by independently verifying the claim through legitimate, alternative contact methods—don't use the details provided in the email. For professions and companies, you can cross-check their authenticity with regulatory bodies like the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). They can confirm whether an individual or firm is truly who they claim to be. In doing so, not only do you protect yourself, but you can also help shield others by informing your social and professional circles about these deceptive tactics. Remember, awareness is a collective shield against the scourge of scams.



Arm yourself with information, stay watchful, and stand firm against the cunning tricks of scammers. Keeping spam at bay and discerning the real from the fake are continuous tasks in protecting your digital life. Always remember: when in doubt, check it out—and keep your inbox as a haven of trustworthiness, not a venue for fraud.